Prompt: Write a short story about a man who discovers a magical portal

Ben was scrolling through his Facebook feed when he saw a post from his old friend, Josh. Josh had been spending the past few weeks in Thailand and had discovered a mysterious portal that led to a secret world. Ben was skeptical at first, but he decided to give it a try. After clicking on the link, he found himself in a strange landscape. He could see mountains and forests, but there was something else strange about the place. The sky was a different color every time he looked around. After a few minutes, he realized that he was being followed by a creature that he had never seen before. He was scared, but he decided to keep going. After a few more minutes, he found himself in front of a large door. He hesitated for a moment, but then he decided to go through. As he stepped through, he realized that he was in the middle of a battle. He saw people fighting against creatures that he had never seen before. He ran towards the battle, but he was surrounded by the creatures. He was about to be killed when he heard a voice say, “You are not alone.” He looked around and saw a figure in a white tunic fighting against the creatures. The figure looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen him before. Suddenly, the figure sword disappeared and the creatures started to retreat. Ben saw a figure in a blue tunic coming towards him. The figure said, “I am Jesus. Who are you?” Ben was surprised. He didn’t know what to say. Jesus looked at him and said, “Are you ready to fight?” Ben nodded and started to fight against the creatures. After a few minutes, he saw Jesus fighting against the largest creature. Suddenly, Jesus disappeared and the creature started to retreat. Ben started to panic. He didn’t know what to do. He saw a figure in a white tunic fighting against the creature and he started to run towards him. The figure said, “You are not alone.” Ben recognized the figure as Jesus and he started to cry. He was amazed that he had found Jesus in Thailand.